Divorce (cause and effect)

All the people must have desire of having a life partner. Marriage is a dream of every couple in the world. They fell in love and eventually they married. But the sad end is not something they are expecting. Divorce became common by married couples. They never thought the result of the divorce while they were willing to divorce. Basically the cause of divorce is lack of communication, finance, and sexual life.

At the beginning of marriage couple, communication between the couples would be very good. Existing problems will be resolved with good communication. But the marriage at the age of 10 years and over, is a period of boredom. Communication between spouses will become worst and small problems will be difficult to be resolved. From this small problem gradually will become a big problem, because communication between spouses is not good. This is one of the main causes of divorce.

Financial situation of a household is also one major factor in divorce. Differences of opinion in financial arrangements, would bring a big effect on marriage. If the husband's income is less than the wife's income, there will be social jealousy that can lead to divorce in the future.

Small problems that can be fatal is the sexual life. Feelings not satisfied or sexual deviation can lead to divorce. This is an important thing that is rarely noticed by the couple who had been married for long time.

Of all the causes of the above, the child is a victim of the mistakes their parents made.

A lot of children grow up feeling as though they should not be married because of the association with sadness. They can permanently associate marriage to sadness because of the divorce and what it meant for them emotionally. This can lead to not being married, being fearful of commitment, and many other psychologically related problems. It can easily be seen why this effect is a serious one. It has a direct correlation to how the child will grow up to be relative to their romantic relationships. This is one of the more serious long term effects of divorce on children.

The key to solving this problem is to not get the divorce in the first place. You can stop your divorce no matter what situation, and you can also get back your ex-husband/ex-wife even if the divorce has already taken place. Can you imagine the happiness the child will have if you do get back together? It can happen. Couples get back together all of the time. Get back together and stop your divorce starting today.

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